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DAC'19 Troublemakers Panel in Las Vegas, NV

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By John Cooley,

Raik on OneSpin's four formal technologies the others don't have

Cooley: Raik. You're getting slaughtered by Cadence's Jasper. You went up against Jasper couple of years ago. You were on this panel.

(See ESNUG 563 #5 and ESNUG 563 #9)

In 2016, you were going to make it ... Jasper's #1 in #1 "Best of 2016", from killer capacity & debug OneSpin's #2 in #1 "Best of 2016", the "we try harder" company And how JasperGold compares to OneSpin in the Formal Apps biz ... but in every later survey I've ever seen, you OneSpin guys are just trounced. 

Raik: You think so? Your surveys may be wrong. Cooley: No, I seriously. I mean, it's across the board. For generalized formal, you're just not in the game. Not that I'm seeing. I'm seeing an Anirudh take it with Jasper. (See DAC'18 #7)


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